onsdag 2 december 2015

Disco eyebrows

After being sick, still not entirely well, plus working the nightshift for three nights I have a tendency to do weird shit. This is weird shit! But it's fun and that's all that matters :) A big plus is that it might be a great look for fridays disco-themed christmasparty with my work.

And yes, I LOVE my Darth Vader onepiece!

måndag 16 november 2015


The downside to spending the whole weekend with your sick neices. 

But it's totally worth it!

torsdag 12 november 2015

Hometown Calling

Time to listen to the mandatory song while waiting for my flight home! See you soon Skellefteå!

onsdag 11 november 2015

The Joker

I should be packing for my flight home tomorrow, but since I'm a self proclaimed master of procrastination, I did this instead. And since my hair was a mess already, after working the nightshift for the last two days, why not take advantage of what you got. :)

I should really go pack now....